Sunday, April 11, 2010

It's the simple things

Finding joy in the simple things:

Coming downstairs weekend mornings and just sitting and drinking coffee with my roommates.

Days when the sun shines so bright you seriously have to believe that everything is right in the world

Rainy days that give me the perfect excuse to curl up with a good book and listen to the storm role in

Watching someone bow their head in prayer before eating a meal

Going for a run and enjoying the feeling of my legs pounding the pavement

Having friends in my life that I have over 15 years of memories with

Designs in my latte foam

Going to a rodeo and wearing cowboy boots and being thankful for being from the South

Living in the city

Being only hours from the country

Laughter that makes your stomach hurt and tears stream down your face

Being able to look at an old friend and one glance meaning a thousand words

Inside jokes

Really good ice cream

Despite age, being united with others over one simple thing: Georgia Football

Pottery Barn & Anthropology magazines just because of their creative layout


Random moments in the day when for no particular reason you just feel the Lord near

Days where the whole family is back under one roof

Driving in the country and catching a glimpse of the stars

Getting lost in a good book

Songs that bring back floods of memories

Driving with the windows down

Sitting on the deck with friends on summer evenings

and.....American Flag Running shorts.

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