How many downward dogs are we going to do?
Chataranga down to upward dog....chataranga to downward dog.....what is this a dance move??
This feels inappropriate...and probably looks inappropriate
Man the guys next to me are sweating a lot...
Should I be sweating?
Why am I not sweating?
I cannot physically do this legs was not meant to bend this way!!
Oh no the instructor is coming over to correct my form!
This hurts!
No Chuck, that didn't feel good...please put my hips back where they belonged!!
My mat is too close to Jamie's.
If she falls over, she's going to sit on my head.
Hope she doesn't have indigestion.
Hope I don't have indigestion!
Yes I will attempt the headstand position!! Now this I can do!
Oh I can't do this!! shirt is falling down over my head...this is inappropriate.
Wait, every guy here is gay. Never mind.
Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch
Jamie looks hilarious.
I look hilarious.
Pretty sure our instructor does not appreciate the humor we find in Bird of Paradise.
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