Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tea and Madre Teresa

In college I hated being busy. I lived for those 5 sweet words at the end of the day… “I have nothing to do.” Work world is completely different (which I’m learning is the truth about most things.) Work is slow just for the beginning weeks (due to project timings) for the rest of the internship I should have more work to do than hours in the day. But for now its a famine of sorts compared to the soon feast and Im having to find things to snack on to bide my time.

Let me give you a visual of my plush corner office...OK, that’s a lie I have a cubicle…OK, again a lie I’m in a box filled storage room. That’s right…but actually it’s not that bad. I have my privacy and can listen to music. Also I guess you could say it’s a luxurious storage room. I have carpet and my own bullitan board. Lighting isn't that bad either. The other perk…I have a door and it has a lock on it. (Doors are the object of office jealousy) However, everyone knows the combination…so I guess it serves no purpose. I feel pretty important when I arrive and have to plug in the special code to gain access, especially when people see me doing it…but upon opening the door I remember that it’s still a storage room and the people that see me go in probably wonder why I spend so much time in there. However, I have discovered a plethora of markers and such. On the down side, they did remove the helium tanks which would definitely have provided some entertainment…if not just a loss of brain cells. So, I have had to become resourceful, especially since they removed my obvious distraction…the tanks. So here are a few things I’ve discovered to do in the spare time I have sometimes:

blogging. I’ve never been a blogger. I thought it was kind of stupid. Who is going to go online and read about other people’s lives? Then Facebook was created and the normal creepy stalking became the overly prevalent favorite past time. So I figure it makes the friendly stalker's lives easier…let me just tell you what’s going on in my life instead of you having to figure it out from Wall Posts, the occasional "Cameron is________", and About Me Section (Which that section is kinda weird I’ve decided…especially when people write “ just ask me.” That’s my favorite one.) Also, it’s a way to share the ridiculousness that is my life. I’ve learned this from my wiser fellow real world accomplice. And most importantly it gives me something to do.

Secondly, there's Tea. Sweet and simple, and the solution to every possible problem I could have here at work. First and foremost, if bored….a field trip to the break room for some tea can take up at least 5 minutes, plus there is the added time of deciding what tea to chose. Chamomile (personal fave, light and sweet. however, it's decaf. loss of brownie points.) or Mint (ever popular, good flavor with a little bite to it. And it has the needed drugs in it.) Tea is my solution to everything. Cold... tea. Hungry…Tea. Tired….Caffeinated Tea. Needless to say I drink several cups a day.

Finally, since Facebook and any possible entertaining website are blocked I’ve resorted to the old fashioned reading. Just recently I finally decided to bring books to work. Yup that’s right. But before that I had to scrape for reading material. It’s amazing what you find/notice when you have nothing to do. My current favorite is the Mother Teresa quote above the fax machine:

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.”

Deep. I may have had time to contemplate what that means, however, I got distracted by what was below that, which was the quote translated into Spanish. I laughed and then tried to see if I could translate it. Three years of Spanish and a study abroad have failed me because I couldn't read a lick of it. (yes I said say words like that when you get out of college. I think its called aging) But my favorite part was under the quote was written Madre Teresa. That part I could translate.

So hopefully work will pick up soon, because I think we are running out of tea.

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